Sep 30, 2016

The coolest citrus juice recipes. Sweet & sour love in a glass.

The coolest citrus __juice recipes. Sweet & sour love in a glass.

Citrus <a href=

Citrus juice recipes tend to be my favorite. When my husband and I traveled to Spain for our honeymoon, I couldn’t get over how their fresh squeezed juice was in every café. Since then I’ve fallen in love (all over again) with just the plain glass of orange juice.

Things to note before you juice:

Citrus usually take longer to juice. If you are in a time crunch and doing this for the first time, try another type. It takes more time to prep(peeling). Believe me, though, it’s worth it.

Most citrus fruits picked in the USA are picked before they are ripe, causing them to be acidic on the body. If you can, try to buy tree ripened citrus fruits!

Always peel citrus, the only exception is lemon and limes. Citrus contain oils that are indigestable in the peel so it needs to be removed before juicing. I find it easier to cut the peel off instead of taking time to peel the fruit for citrus juice recipes. I cut as close to the pilth that I can, and then cut it in half so that it fits nicely in my juicer's feeding tube. No need to peel each piece.

A note about sweetness: Citrus can be very sweet, especially when juiced with pineapple or other fruits. A great way to remedy this is to dilute the juice with spring water or sparkling mineral water.  For some citrus recipes, celery is a great addition to reduce sweetness.

  • Learn more about citrus fruits for your recipes here
  • Want variations of OJ recipes? Look here.

Orange Juice

5 oranges, peeled.

Leaving a lot of the white pilth is okay.  Nutrients are in there, too.  I usually cut the oranges in half for the ease of feeding it into the juicing tube.  Cutting the skin off with a knife is the easiest.  Some people like to use a vegetable peeler.  

Grapefruit Orange Juice

1 grapefruit 

2 oranges

Peel the grapefruit and orange. I cut the peel off. Cut into sections. Feed through the juicer and serve. A classic breakfast pick. Add 1 lemon for something extra. 

Strawberry Pineapple Orange

6-7 stawberries

1/4 pineapple or 2-3 slices(cored)

1 orange

Peel the orange. Juice the orange, pineapple and strawberries. Serve immediately. Heavenly! I must say, a great one for any party. 

Lemon Orange

3 oranges

1 lemon, peel ok

Peel the oranges. Juice the lemon and the oranges. Serve. 

Too many lemons will make a bitter juice, a little goes a long way.

Lemon Lime Apple

2 lemons, peel ok
1 lime, peeled
2 apples

Peel the lime and core the apples. Juice the lemons, apple and lime. Serve. 

Pineapple Citrus

Half a pineapple, cored and no rind 
2 oranges
1 lime 

Peel the lime and the oranges. Juice the oranges, lime and pineapple. Serve. 

Lemonade Recipe

A real lemonade recipe (without white sugar).

Everyone loves some lemon juice punch! Straight lemonade is very bitter. While it’s good, it’s much better diluted with some water and healthy sweetener of choice… 

5 whole lemons
6 cups of water
¾ cups of honey or agave syrup (lighter and easier to mix- works better)

Peel or cut off the peel of the lemons. Juice them through your juicer(you could use a hand juicer too, but you won’t get as much juice out). 

Pour the juice in a pitcher with the water and mix in the honey or agave syrup. Mix until well blended. I have found that a few drops of liquid stevia brings out the lemon flavor nicely and helps cut the bitterness. If you don’t want the sugar, definitely try stevia. 
Voila! Real lemonade. 

If you’d like a flavored version of lemonade, juice ½ cup of strawberries, blueberries or raspberries with the lemons. 

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