Sep 30, 2016

The juice on All About Juicing: We're your ultimate cocktail of juicing advice for radical wellness and head turning hotness. Drink up.

The __juice on All About Juicing: We're your ultimate cocktail of juicing advice for radical wellness and head turning hotness. Drink up.

You can stop googling "juicing" now.  This is the only site you'll need.

Congrats, juicer or juicer-to-be! You’ve finally found your all-in-one resource for becoming a high-energy, healthy, glowing, nutrition-absorbing machine. In other words, a juicing rockstar.

Vanessa, Juicing Mixologist

Here you’ll find:

  • Fabulous-tasting recipes you can __juice every day.
  • What to juice for what ailment.
  • What combinations of juices work the best.
  • How to fast and lose weight safely with juicing.
  • The drinkable route to flawless skin, nonstop energy, a slim figure, and sharp mind.
  • How to get the most benefit-bang for your juicing buck.
  • Guidance from someone who’s been around the juicing block. (Think of me as your friendly Juicing Mixologist™. I serve up advice and solutions in a tall glass.)

Finally: All your juicing essentials in one place, and all reliable.

There’s a pulpy sea of juice info scattered all over the Internet, and not all of it is accurate or helpful.

Here at All About Juicing, we’ve already tried it all and made all the juicing mistakes, so you don’t have to. From recipes to regimens to home juicers, we filter out what doesn’t work, and pass on to you what does. To put it in juicing terms:

We catch all the seeds and unusable stuff, and pour you the straight, pure juice.

Who’s “we,” you want to know? And why are we so brilliantly qualified to guide you on your juicing journey? Glad you asked.

Vanessa Simkins

About Vanessa

I'm Vanessa Simkins, and I'm the founder of All About Juicing.

When it comes to helping people achieve optimum health through juicing, I'm the real deal.  (100%. Never from concentrate.) Here’s why:

  • I started out juicing when I got sick many years ago.  I couldn’t figure out why I felt terrible all day (hint: it had to do with poor nutrition) and started to dabble in juicing.  It restored my health, my energy, my personality.
  • I've been overweight.  I lost 30 pounds with the help of juice. And I've kept it off successfully for 13 years.
  • I've got years of experience in helping people achieve better health through nutrition and herbal remedies, and have been mentored by some top experts.
  • Each week I have a juice-a-palooza in my kitchen, to test or invent new juice recipes my followers go wild for. So will you.
  • Thanks to my juicing habit, I don’t get sick a lot. But when I do, the knowledge I’ve acquired over the years lets me treat it easily, and naturally.

I’ll show you how, so you can too. (sign up for free updates from me :)

Fun Facts

Vanessa Simkins
  • When I'm not juicing or dishing out advice to my juice posse, I spend time traveling, cooking, riding my bike with my husband Adam, or dancing my booty off at a Zumba class.  
  • I grew up in New Jersey, but am a happy Texan girl now.  
  • I’m obsessed with animals, especially kitty cats (my cat Rio is the cutest one you've ever seen, really.).
  • I’m a veggie lover and plant-based eater.  See animal obsession, above.
  • I'm an Ameri-zilian.  Or Braz-erican. 50% American + 50% Brazilian.
  • I spend my free time pouring over nutrition and health textbooks. That’s my kind of beach reading!
  • I'm a ball of energy that never stops.  I love optimism and will forever see the juice glass half-full.

I want to help you see the juice glass as half full, too.  Once we get our bodies to a healthy state, the rest falls into place, emotionally and physically.  While juicing is just one aspect of living a healthy life, it’s the single easiest way to squeeze more nutrition into our diet. 

I’ll help you to love juicing, learn about nutrition and teach you how to take your health and looks to their peak.

Stay in touch to bring out your inner juicing rockstar, just like I did.

Love + Juice, 

Professional Bio

Vanessa Simkins, The Juicing Mixologist®, is the founder of a website and newsletter serving up fresh, tested juicing advice for getting a hot body, glowing skin, and lifelong health through a straw.

She is also the founder of Vanessa's Juice Club, a membership community where juicing daily is easy and fun.

Her newsletters, products and site reach over a quarter-million readers each month – a veritable army, inspired to juice for better health.  

A juicing trendsetter known for her inventive and tasty juice recipes, Vanessa has an undying thirst for connecting people back to what makes them healthy, one drink at a time.

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